Last Week in DeFi
Project Launches
Insurance protocol InsurAce, Hashflow DEX, and SudoSwap, an NFT DEX.
Project Updates:
AAVE launched v2 Liquidity Mining, Balancer partnered with Gnosis to launch Cowswap, and Nexus upgraded their insurance product to cover more potential risks.
DeFi Fights:
Andre Cronje agrees to fight CryptoMessiah in Dubai
Details below…
AAVE v2 LM Launched

Aave launched its v2 liquidity mining program, offering 2200 stkAAVE per day(currently ~$900k USD) to users daily until July 15.
Since launching, value locked and borrowing volume have both jumped, showing the effects of the Liquidity mining program are already being felt.
Today in DeFi is sponsored by Sushiswap.
Sushiswap is a DeFi-Native DEX which features the best liquidity across many DeFi pairs such as YFI, SNX, and AAVE.
Sushiswap has recently launched Bentobox, gas-efficient lending platform for DeFi, as well as Kashi, a one-click margin-trading platform.
Check out Sushiswap at, or try the Bentobox/Kashi beta at
CowSwap by Balancer+Gnosis

Balancer partnered with Gnosis to launch Cowswap, a proof of concept DEX which allows users to make MEV-resistant trades at optimal prices & cheap gas.
Read about details and upcoming releases here.
InsurAce Launched

New portfolio insurance protocol InsurAce launched on mainnet last week.
InsurAce has 60% lower premium, 50% lower gas fee when insuring a whole portfolio, and it doesn’t require users to do KYC.
Hashflow Announcement

Hashflow, a new DEX using institutional market maker as opposed to the mainstream AMM mechanism, announced last week, with the promise to offer better price, lower gas fee, and get rid of slippage for users.
Hashflow is inviting early alpha testers, and will open to the public shortly after.
SudoSwap Launched

Powered by 0xProject, 0xmons launched SudoSwap to enable p2p swaps between ERC20/721/1155 tokens, with lower gas fee and no asset escrowing.
0xmon also tweeted to add more asset types and new features soon.
Nexus Protocol Cover Launched

Nexus Mutual launched Protocol Cover, expanding insurance coverage beyond smart contract risks to include oracle attacks, severe economic attacks, and governance attacks.
Along with the upgrade, $NXM now covers multi-chain major projects, including ThorChain, AnchorProtocol, Pancakeswap, etc.
Andre vs Messi in the Octagon

In a strange turn of events, YFI Founder Andre Cronje agreed to a bout with Crypto Messiah over Twitter. The fight is planned for Oct. 15th, although it is yet to be seen whether it will actually take place or not.
As entertaining as we’re sure it will be, we’d rather our DeFi Devs keep their big brains safe from harm!
Follow @todayindefi to keep up with the latest DeFi news on Twitter.
Disclaimer: Projects or tokens mentioned in this newsletter are often experimental or unaudited. Do your own diligence before using or buying anything mentioned.