Today in DeFi - Liquity Launch, Kyber DMM, and more
Liquity Launch
Liquity has just launched. Liquity is a MakerDAO-like system where users can collateralize ETH to mint LUSD. Unlike MakerDAO, there is no stability fee, and the collateral ratio is much lower, at just 110%.
Today in DeFi is sponsored by Sushiswap.
Sushiswap is a DeFi-Native DEX which features the best liquidity across many DeFi pairs such as YFI, SNX, and AAVE.
Sushiswap has recently launched Bentobox, gas-efficient lending platform for DeFi, as well as Kashi, a one-click margin-trading platform.
Check out Sushiswap at, or try the Bentobox/Kashi beta at
Kyber Dynamic Market Maker
Kyber Network has just launched its Dynamic Market Maker. The Kyber DMM offers dynamic fees which reacting to market conditions, potentially improving returns for LPs while reducing IL. LPs can also customize their pricing curves for their token pair, improving capital efficiency.
vBNT Burner live
Bancor has just launched its vBNT burner. 5% of swap fees will be used to burn vBNT - BNT staked into Bancor vortex. This will reduce the bnt circulating supply in relation to Bancor usage.
Charm Cube Tokens
Charm Finance, an options protocol, has launched leveraged tokens for BTC, ETH, AAVE, LINK, UNI, and YFI. Users can go 3x long or short with these tokens.
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