Today in DeFi - Sushi Drops, Sushi Swaps

Main Dev Dumps Sushi

Chef Nomi, the anonymous developer behind Sushiswap, a Uniswap for, has sold the developers share of the Sushi Supply. This transaction has resulted in what was at time of sale a $11M haul.
While the developerβs share is, obviously, the developerβs share, the nature of the sale and the communications around it put into doubt that this would be used for actual further development. The sale was done right after a tweet thread which suggested a different course of action would be taken - LPing the devshare, and then transferring that ownership to a multisig. It is also not common practice for the founder to sell 10% of the supply of a token before the product even launches.
The community was extremely dissappointed. While Chef Nomi defended his actions, the tide seemed to be strongly against him.
Sushi Swaps Ownership to SBF

Seemingly in response to a suggestion by SBF_Alameda that he give up control, Chef Nomi handed over control to him.

After the handover, SBF then recounted his plans for Sushi, including moving control to a multisig.
The vote is active and you can participate here to determine the plot of the next episode of the SushiSwap Soap Opera.
Thanks to @AndreCronjeTech and @CryptoDerivativ for their help explaining this complicated situation.