Today in DeFi - Umbrella Protocol, Hetero Options, and More...
Umbrella Protocol
Yam Finance is introducing Umbrella Protocol, a permissionless insurance protocol. Coverage will be tokenized via NFTs, and coverage pools can be permissionlessly created. Umbrella protocol is currently in internal Alpha.
Today in DeFi is sponsored by Aave.
Aave is a decentralised, open-source, and non-custodial liquidity protocol for earning interest on deposits and borrowing assets. It tokenizes deposits as aTokens, which accrue interest in real time. Aave also features access to Flash Loans and Credit Delegation as uncollateralised loan options.
Try it today at:Β
Hetero Options Analytics
Hetero, an on-chain options interface and analytics projrect powered by Hegic, has a new facelift. You can use it to view on-chain options data, or to buy options with more features than the original Hegic options interface allows.
AAVEnomics Upgrade
A new AIP has been implemented which activates stake slashing. Since this increases risk for AAVE stakers, the incentives for stakers have been increased to 550 AAVE/day.
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